To request a voucher or refund:
- Select the 'Refund/ Voucher due to bereavement' option from the 'Your question' dropdown in our Contact Us form.
- Complete the form with the following details:
- Confirm which customers on the booking are unable to fly.
- Confirm which flights you’ve missed or need to cancel.
- Confirm if the deceased is the booker, a passenger, or a non-passenger.
- Upload a copy of the death certificate.
- Provide your contact number and email address.
If you can’t complete the online form or you’re unable to scan and attach a copy of the death certificate, please send a letter with your booking reference, the information above, and a copy of the death certificate to:
Executive Support Team
easyJet Airline Company
Hangar 89
London Luton Airport
Once we receive your request, our dedicated bereavement team will aim to process your request within 7 days.