Cheap flights from London Gatwick to Costiera Amalfitana Salerno, Naples from

Compare flights from London to Amalfi Coast using easyJet's low fare finder. View our best value prices and availability over the coming months. Travel from London Gatwick to Amalfi Coast - Salerno with tickets starting at ! Book your flight to Amalfi Coast from London direct with easyJet to access the latest deals & offers, for secure and simple booking, and quality customer service.


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The weather on the Amalfi Coast


Hottest month


Coldest month


How hot is the Amalfi Coast in October?

In October, the average temperature in the Amalfi Coast can be as high as 22°C, with average evening temperatures as low as 11°C.

When does it rain the most on the Amalfi Coast?

You can expect the most rain in the Amalfi coast from October to November.

*Information provided is indicative only and may be subject to change
Prices shown are per person based on 2 people flying on the same booking from London Gatwick on selected date(s).